Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Savior's Light 3

Again with the Light...I never knew I had so many poems on light...

Growing Light

Falling fast.
Darkness enters-
Fading from the light.

Reaching out.
Looking to God-
And I fall again.

Mistakes made.
Satan laughing-
Pulls my growing chains.

Tightly locked.
Pulling harder-
Clamping my chains shut.

Let go!
Let me out.
Crying "My Lord"-
Falling to my knees.

Touching faith.
Feeling His arms-
Wrapping me with warmth.

Trusting Him.
Praying for help-
Learning He is near.

Merciful Light

In the silent, starry night
I was searching for a light-
Guides me from the rocky shoals,
Helping me to reach my goals.

Looking, searching high and low,
No idea of where to go.
Lost and stumbling in the dark,
Slowly straying from my mark.

Straining, reaching, I cry out,
Hoping someone hears my shout.
Falling, tumbling quickly down,
Farther from my promised crown.

Just before I hit the ground,
Comes a voice of softest sound.
"Hold, my Child, I am here.
And always have I been near.

Turn around and look to me,
And my light I'll give to Thee.
For thee I suffered on the cross
That gold may come from dullest dross.

I have come to help thee home,
Don't forget you're not alone.
For you I paid the highest price
When I was born to give my life.

I forgive you of your sins,
Go ye forth, hold high your chin,
Turn to me in deep duress
That I may relieve your stress.

Don't forget when times are swell
To turn to me then as well.
Thee my daughter I do love,
I'm waiting for you here above."

With this light my heart doth fill
And I live to do His will.
Looking forth to that great day
When in His glory I may stay.

Savior's Light 2

I seem to really enjoy writing about light, so here is installment 2 in the Savior's Light.

My Light

The Lord has always been my light,

I'll follow Him with all my might.

He is the everlasting Son,

He is the Anointed One.

He set us an example

That no one must trample.

We are the chosen ones,

The King's daughters and sons.

He never said it would be easy,

He just said "Come and follow me."

He'll take us in His arms,

And keep us safe from harm.

He will always be there,

And He will always care.

I now decline to say

How wrong I was one day,

I know we're here for a reason,

We must never fall for treason.

He will always see us through,

But we must remain true.

I know we must be ready

For the Second Coming, to see

Our Lord, Savior, and Friend,

And live with Him till the end.

He will always be close by,

He's there whenever I cry,

I must always do my best,

And try to take His test.

Peaceful Light

I'm standing strong,

I still belong.

Somewhere I've found

That peace surrounds.

My heart is full,

It feels the pull.

The heartstrings tug,

Receive a hug.

He leads the way,

He'll be my stay.

He helps me through,

Strength does renew.

Somehow I find

Some peace of mind.

Though I am down,

I cannot frown.

Light shines brighter,

Heart feels lighter.

Somehow, somewhere,

He will be there.

The beauty comes

Pain becomes numb.

God-given sign,

It's all in line.

Part of His plan,

Know that we can

Forward press on,

Pain will be gone.

I wait for Thee,

Please hear my plea.

Comfort I need,

Hear and give heed.

My heart be still,

Time enough to heal.

All will subside,

Go for the ride.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Not Enough Time

My biological mother passed away when I was three. Thinking about her in June of 2004, I wrote this poem about not having the time I wanted with her.

Not Enough Time

Three years, too short to last,

It went away so fast.

My mother had to go,

Why, I wanted to know.

Too young to understand,

But did I hold her hand?

Did I know it was death,

Watch her take her last breath?

Was I by her bedside,

Did I sit and abide?

Watch her fading away,

Cry, begging her to stay?

Did I silently sit,

Or did I throw a fit?

While it slowly took her,

Did I feel calm and sure?

Three years-hardly enough.

I think of all this stuff,

And wonder, could I grow,

If only I could know?

Wax strong in the Spirit,

Not feel like I’ve been hit.

Remember my mother,

And know when I see her?

Know that she’s my mother,

And I belong to her,

That I am not alone,

And she will help me home.

I’m sure that by her side,

I will gladly abide.

There in her loving arms,

I’ll be quite safe and warm.

In her embrace of love,

I’ll live with her above,

Relive the years I lost,

For just a little cost.

Live in righteousness well,

So with her I can dwell.

Do the best I know how,

Just like I want to now.

Live my life righteously,

Be the best I can be.

So I can see my mother,

And live again with her.

The Spirit tells me this,

I know nothing’s amiss.

I need to do what’s right,

And walk within the light.

Childlike Eyes

This poem was actually written in the middle of a Sacrament meeting where a little boy my friend had adopted was being blessed. I suddenly knew what it meant to be Childlike.

Childlike Eyes

Little One so meek and mild,

Thou that art the Holy Child.

Did you watch with gentle eyes

Stars and angels grace the skies?

Children now with eyes so pure

Know Thy love so strong and sure.

Young Isaiah, still so fresh,

Mother’s arms inside he press.

Yet his eyes with stories to tell

Know the grace from whence he fell.

His tiny eyes shine so bright

As they reflect joyful light.

Be as children. I implore,

Live with me forevermore”

Christ the Lord, Begotten One,

Fill my life with light of Sun.

.Teach me now to be like child

And the Serpent be reviled.

Help me now to become strong,

Let me know that I belong.

Little children, oh so sweet,

Help me that time to repeat,

Show me how I may forgive

Trials which I’ve had to live.

Teach me through the youngest ones,

The evils therewith to shun,

And the blessings to behold

As I am refined to gold.

Angels come in many forms

To shelter us from the storms.

And as strange as it may seem,

Children, too, can redeem.

As angels disguised they come,

With buzzing spirits they hum

Of the light and life divine

From the Holy Spirit’s shine.

With Angels’ grace and mercy

Showing me the way to see,

Teaching me what I can be,

That I may return to Thee.

Savior's Light

This is another series of poems that really helped me to learn and grow in the light of Christ. This is part one.

His Light

I see the light coming near,

I have no reason to fear.

He will help me back to Him,

Give me strength through thick and thin.

As I stand up tall and strong

He tells me I do belong.

My heart fills and then takes strength,

For Him I’ll take any length.

A gentle thought to my heart,

Says “Never from you I’ll part.

Stay closely here next to Me,

Your gentle guide will I be.”

Arms embrace and hold me tight,

Safe and warm; forever right.

His words fill my soul with joy,

Like a child with a new toy.

He'll now and forever be

My Lord God to comfort me.

His warmth starts to fill my soul,

I slowly crawl from my hole.

His light fills me, bright and pure-

I soon feel more strong and sure.

A whispered song; don’t forget-

You’re not quite perfected yet.

The Light

He is the rising Son,

Light of the East.

The Only Begotten One;

He loves to teach.

The Lord is the Light,

Light of the world.

Shadows removed from sight,

We can overcome our hurdles.

He opens His arms,

Find strength in His love,

Basking in His warmth,

Return to Him above.

He is always nigh,

Never far away,

Gives us strength to try,

Growing stronger by the day.

Faith in Him increase,

Love of His will grow.

Life and light beneath,

Letting your shine show.

He truly loves you,

So very very much,

And He needs you

To feel His touch.

You are His child,

Daughter of God,

Once in awhile,

Strayed from gospel sod.

He will help you come

Back into His arms,

He'll bring you home,

Back into His warmth.

He does long for you,

Waits for your return,

He will fight for you,

And help your fire burn.

You can keep His light

And shine it for all.

Your goal is in sight,

Heed unto His call.


His arms open wide,

He feels your pain,

And takes you aside,

Your prayers are not in vain.

Silver Lining

Silver Lining

A quiet light,

A gentle song.

It will go on.

Journeys begin,

Hope for a friend,

Strong to the end.

Love one day lost,

Find it again,

Relief from pain.

Trials seem to end,

But are not gone.

They do go on.

Worthy Strength

I was feeling particularly low when I wrote this poem, yet as the inspirational words for this poem came to me, I found myself growing in confidence and self-worth. And the result was that suddenly, I was Climbing Higher. When I added the next, the two together almost became a conversation between me and my God.

Worthy Strength

You are tough, you are strong,

With me you do belong.

Reach up your hand to me,

I’ll give you strength to see.

Child, thee I’ll always love,

With me you’ll live above.

More worthy than you think,

Do not let yourself sink.

Hold tight to what is right,

You know you have a light.

Shine it for all to see,

As you glorify me.

Though you have all your trials,

Don’t let them cramp your styles.

You’re stronger than you know,

So help your strength to show.

The path help all to see,

And they’ll look up to thee.

Find your light, let it shine,

And child, you will be mine.

Climbing Higher

These feelings are too strong.

Will they ever belong?

They are so out of place,

There just isn’t the space.

So much anger and hate,

I fear it is too late.

Can my life turn around,

Or am I in the ground?

My happiness was gone,

Before my life went on.

I want to change my ways,

And see some better days.

I need the help I get,

I’m not perfected yet.

Turmoil in my life

Prepares me for the strife.

In my challenge I turn,

For God and help, I yearn.

With him I overcome,

My true self I become.

I can bask in His love,

Then live with Him above.

I’ll return to Him there,

And live within His care.


These three poems were written during a series of crisis' in my life, and they became a bundle to get me through the hard times.

Repentance Plea

Father, how to draw near to thee,

When I feel far away from me?

Daughter of thine, unworthy too.

Is there something for me to do?

My sins have driven me away,

No matter how I longed to stay.

My Lord, My God, wilt thou forgive?

Help me to change the way I live.

The truth seems to have disappeared.

Why not live the way I was reared?

My valiant soul has gone from thee,

So far away from even me.

The things I’ve done, the things I’ve seen,

All the places I’ve ever been.

Buttons I’ve pushed, the things I’ve said,

Sometimes I feel I’m better dead.

Help me to see, please help me to know.

Things I need to do, where to go.

My life seems so pointless and vain,

Why must I live with so much pain?

Help me, Lord, to see the light.

Repentance Answer

Child, your sins are forgiven thee.

Take valiant stand, remember me.

I’ll guide you; I’ll take your hand

If for truth and right you stand.

I love thee, I’ll never leave thee.

Stay close to me, your guide I’ll be.

Hold tight to truths you know are right.

I’ll lead you home into the light.

I gave you life, your Lord am I.

With you I always will be nigh.

Thy Lord, Thy God shall ever be.

To you, my Child, love comes from me.

Stay strong, stay true, I’m on your side.

Hang on tight for your troubled ride.

Please take a valiant stand for me,

Thy sins will be forgiven thee.

Repentance Re-enforcement

Child, thy sins again forgiven thee,

Take valiant stand, still remember me.

Thou my child, wilt never be alone,

Take my hand and I will guide you home.

As you hold to what you know is right,

You know you’ll more often see the light.

I know thee, your weaknesses I see.

Soon your strengths they will become through me.

Again, I love you and care for thee

And still want you to return to me.

With great honor will be thy return

If you love and care for me in turn.

Stand with valiant faith and head held high,

Please remember, Heaven’s always nigh.

I will be with thee, forever near

I will keep thee safe, my child dear.

Once more, thy sins are forgiven thee.

Keep thy valiant stand and soon you’ll see

That I am far closer than you know.

Reach up, take my hand, your faith will show.

Guide My Life Each Day

This particular poem was meant to be a song, but it never got that far. I'm still working out the logistics of turning it into music.

Guide My Life Each Day

Look-look toward me

See how others see.

A bright, shining girl,

Sends rays to the world.


The mask that hides me,

Girl the world sees.

Lord to thee I pray,

Guide my life each day.

Smiling day by day

I hide from my ray.

Withdraw to the dark,

I miss my own mark.

How to let them know,

Through my words that flow?

With my trembling voice?

Do I have a choice?

Girl behind the mask,

Poison from my flask.

Knife that draws so near,

Lord my plea please hear.

Oh beckon, angels!

Guide me from my shell.

Gently set on ground,

Walls come tumbling down

Comfort, shelter please.

I am down on knees.

Shelter from the storm,

Wrap ‘round, arms so warm.

Pleas my soul cries out,

Things to pray about.

Where’s thy loving care,

Have I left thy lair?

In shame left the fold,

Arms that gently hold.

Turning back to thee,

Now too late for me?

Straining hard in might,

Searching for the light.

Pain ripping my soul,

Soon no longer whole.

Then come, ray of light,

Shining oh so bright.

Guide me to the path,

All my Father hath.

It’s leading me home,

I am not alone.

My Father is there,

Showers me with care.

Help me always know,

Thou art where I go,

Thou wilt lead me home,

Never was alone.

Thy sheltering arms

Gently keep me warm.

Reminds me of thee,

Thou art close to me.

In my heart abide,

Keep me from the tide.

I can change my ways,

Going day by day.

I will not fall far,

If I raise the bar.

Trust in Thee, my Lord,

Daily live Thy word.

With Thy help I come,

Back to loving home,

Thou'rt waiting for me,

Hoping I will see.

End Chorus

The mask that hides me,

Girl the Father sees.

Lord to thee I pray,

Hear my prayers each day.



O Lord, why am I such a fool?

My tears, they fall, I cry a pool.

I bow my head in plea to thee,

Then feel your arms encircle me.

Your arms hold me tight, warm embrace,

I look up, see thy gentle face.

I know you see, I know you care,

Why can’t I always feel thee there?

Am I so lost, so far from thee,

That even you can’t bear to see?

I hold my head down in my arms,

Then you reach out, thy Spirit warms.

Thy gentle voice whispers to me,

My child, I am here for thee.

I am aware of all thy needs,

Thy weak soul I will surely feed.

Stay close to me, you will be strong,

Child, never think you don’t belong.

My dear, you will always be mine,

Keep on going, you will be fine.

I love thee, my child, don’t forget.

Please change what’s wrong, and no more fret.

Do what’s right, you are always loved.

Come unto me, my child beloved.

Hold on tight, I am standing nigh,

You will be exalted on high.

I promised you I’d help you home.

My child, you are never alone.

I died for you upon the cross,

Your sins won’t leave you at a loss.

For your sins, for you I was sent,

And you know that you must repent.

Repent and live, I will be here,

Please my child, don’t you ever fear.

I love you, I will never leave.

Promise that unto me you’ll cleave.

Christlike Love

Christ-like Love

Patience, child, you will see

Walk tall, a daughter of God

Things will become clear through me.

Feet planted on gospel sod.

He sent His Son here for you,

On the cross He freely died.

In Gethsemane, bled for you.

Drops He spilt each time you lied.

Crown of thorns upon His head

Royal daughter, loving friend,

Wanderers like you He led,

Love is constant till the end.

Bitter cup shrank not to drink

Spearmen pierced Him in the side.

You are worthless still you think?

Never was an easy ride.

Thy Christlike love from start to end,

Redeemer of mine, save a place.

Place in Thy heart for loving friend,

Returning there from a long race.

Poems...and Stuff

I was told yesterday that I should blog my poetry, so I thought that I would give it a shot. I've thought about it before, but I have never had the courage to actually do something about it, frankly because I was afraid that it would be a weird thing to blog. Since apparently it is not a strange thing to blog, I will now be posting my poems here. Most of my poems are older works, but I will try to get some newer works posted as well. So, happy reading, and I hope that I can somehow touch many lives through my words.