Saturday, November 30, 2013

Just Imagine

I take a break from poetry now as I share with you a little prose that came to me a few weeks ago as I was contemplating what it would feel like if we understood the extent of the Atoning Sacrifice that Christ made for us, and understood that it was His great love for us that allowed Him to give us this amazing gift. We may never understand exactly how much He loves us, but here is a small inkling of what that love must be.

Just imagine...
Think of your best friend. In a way, they mean the world to you. Find your best memory of your parents, that time you looked into their eyes and just knew- knew that they loved you and were proud of you, and would do anything for you; die for you even. Next, think of how you feel wrapped in the arms of the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life, the rest of forever with.  Imagine the mantle of love you feel as a missionary, or in a calling that places you in a position to serve your fellow ward family. Remember your siblings and how much you love them, though you may not always see eye to eye. Finally, think how much you love your nieces and nephews; children in some cases. Now, combine all this love and times it by a billion, and you get the faintest idea of how much your Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ love you.

Jesus Christ, your brother. This man who willingly took your life upon Himself, suffering an agony so real and so indescribable for you, because He loves you. Think of your deepest misery, caught in the depths of sin. The smallest child's spat to the darkest mistakes of the wayward adult, any hidden secret you can find. Take this and times it by every stumbling block you may see. Now times it by every person who is, has been, or will be on this earth. The mistakes, loneliness, shortcomings, and afflictions of every person on this earth were paid for by this wonderful man who willingly came to this earth to die for you. His blood was shed for you that through Him you could become clean and partake of Eternal Life in His Kingdom, to become like Him and return with Honor. Through His Atoning Sacrifice, you can become perfect in Him.

Atoning Grace

Here is my last "Grace" poem, one of my favorite of the poems I have written.

Atoning Grace

Gentle daughter, do not fear.
Know ye not I'm always near?
I'll not leave thee in the dark,
Thou hast not yet missed the mark.

Thru thy pain I quiet reach,
Listen to the words ye speak.
My gentle voice whispers soft
Thru the waves thou hast been tossed.

I hath sent the storms to thee,
Asking thee to trust in me.
I will be thy gentle stay
As I lead thee on thy way.

Thou hast yet a lot to come
On the path that leads thee home.
I will give thee strength to bear
All the burdens sent thee there.

Daughter thou art yet a saint,
And I hear thy soul's complaint.
Even those with mighty strength
Only run a little length.

I ask thee to do thy best,
Then I come to do the rest.
All I ask is for some faith,
Then I succor thee in grace.

As I come to lift thee up,
I will take thy bitter cup.
I can't take away thy pain,
But I'll give thee strength again.

I will bear thy burdens too
As with grace I pull thee through.
Peace will enter in thy heart
As ye strive to do thy part.

Satan's chains will harder pull,
Trying ye to falsely lull.
When the darkness closes in,
Turn to me in need therein.

With my strength ye can move on,
Sorrow, pain, and heartache gone.
My atonement was for all;
Every pain and every fall.

Ye can enter in my joy
But ye must my help employ.
I will help thee come back home,

Thou wilt reap what thou hast sown.

After All I Can Do Comes the Grace

Here I am again. Now that I have a computer I will be trying to update my posts more regularly. Today I am going to start with the rest of my "Grace" poems. Remember how a few posts back I was hooked up on "Light"? Well, I eventually became hooked on Grace, Faith, and Love in the very same manner. So, that being said, here are two more poems that deal with Grace.

Saving Grace

Hands reach up to touch the sky,
And the Lord is standing nigh.
Heart of pain on bended knee,
The Lord reaches back to me.

His arms will stay open wide,
Helping through your troubled ride.
Standing outside He will knock
And wait for you to unlock.

Though trials will come your way,
He will guide you day by day.
He will not your souls forsake,
But He heals the burning ache.

When your sins are scarlet red,
Turn to Him the Lord-life bread.
Through Him your sins become wool,
His love then will pull you through.

Then holding on, feel His grace
Pull you through your struggling race.
And you'll feel His arms wrap round,
Keeping you warm, safe and sound.

Through His humble gift of love,
We each can return above.
He loves us and wants us home,
We must know we're not alone.

Father's Grace

I try to find my way
In all I do and say.
This life is quite the task,
With all that Father asks.

While Satan tries to win,
It's hard to not give in.
The pressures of this life
Are full of toil and strife.

For every bitter taste,
The Lord will come with grace.
As His voice quiet speaks,
Through all our doubts to reach.

I hear Him whisper soft,
Trying to pierce my dross.
My daughter listen true,
Thou wilt know what to do.

Thy spirit is so strong,
Don't think thou won't belong.
I want to know thy heart,
Please strive to do thy part.

It's hard to see thy pain,
I'll lift thee up again.
Just turn to me in need,
Take my hand, let me lead.

My daughter thee I love,
I'm watching from above.
Just let me take thy load,
I'll lead thee on thy road.