Saturday, November 30, 2013

Just Imagine

I take a break from poetry now as I share with you a little prose that came to me a few weeks ago as I was contemplating what it would feel like if we understood the extent of the Atoning Sacrifice that Christ made for us, and understood that it was His great love for us that allowed Him to give us this amazing gift. We may never understand exactly how much He loves us, but here is a small inkling of what that love must be.

Just imagine...
Think of your best friend. In a way, they mean the world to you. Find your best memory of your parents, that time you looked into their eyes and just knew- knew that they loved you and were proud of you, and would do anything for you; die for you even. Next, think of how you feel wrapped in the arms of the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life, the rest of forever with.  Imagine the mantle of love you feel as a missionary, or in a calling that places you in a position to serve your fellow ward family. Remember your siblings and how much you love them, though you may not always see eye to eye. Finally, think how much you love your nieces and nephews; children in some cases. Now, combine all this love and times it by a billion, and you get the faintest idea of how much your Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ love you.

Jesus Christ, your brother. This man who willingly took your life upon Himself, suffering an agony so real and so indescribable for you, because He loves you. Think of your deepest misery, caught in the depths of sin. The smallest child's spat to the darkest mistakes of the wayward adult, any hidden secret you can find. Take this and times it by every stumbling block you may see. Now times it by every person who is, has been, or will be on this earth. The mistakes, loneliness, shortcomings, and afflictions of every person on this earth were paid for by this wonderful man who willingly came to this earth to die for you. His blood was shed for you that through Him you could become clean and partake of Eternal Life in His Kingdom, to become like Him and return with Honor. Through His Atoning Sacrifice, you can become perfect in Him.

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